Who are Ya?
Who are Ya?
Are you Black, White, Asian, Dual Heritage, etc? Who are ya? is a chant often heard at football games when the supporters of the team with the upper hand want to taunt the opposition. When you stop and think about it, this is a question that should make us think. Who am I really? How did I come to be a part of this ethnic group in this cultural setting?
So, who are you really?
This question runs much deeper than a football game. Do you really know who you are? Do you know how your history and culture influences your place within society?
Marcus Garvey is often quoted as stating:
A people without knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.
I believe you will agree that people without their history have nothing to draw from like a tree would draw water and nourishment through its roots in order to survive, flourish and function effectively.
What does that have to do with black history?
Well, I'm glad you asked because too often as highlighted by football, the contribution of the black ethnicity is often overlooked or rubbished within society. And in order to know ourselves well we need to have a clear understanding of all aspects and people that do into making us who we are and comprise the society around us. A lack of understanding leads to issues such as ‘racism’ that we see not only in sports like football but also in wider society.
Hold on though, how many races are there, in this world?
Could it be that the term racism is part of the problem? The term would imply that there are a number of different races but is that really the case? Studies in genetics have shown that there is only a 6% difference between any two people chosen from anywhere in the world and that all human beings on the face of the planet can trace their DNA back to one common ancestor. Therefore, the issue should not be looked at in terms of race. It seems better to talk about an understanding of different sections of the human family.
My view is that there are not as many races as people think. Rather, there is only one race — the human race. When this is understood, everyone will come closer to being treated fairly and with respect. Fear and hostility will be minimised, and we will get closer to equality and better treatment within society. We can then stop asking 'who are ya' and start asking 'who are we'? What are your thoughts?
The black experience has made significant contributions to society, yet often overlooked. Do you think a clearer insight of this ethnicity's history and culture would benefit you and your children in understanding and appreciating this diverse society that we live in?
Let's talk!